Woensdag 20 November 2013

seminar over tseetseevliegen
Woensdag 20 November 2013 10:30 - 12:30
Seminar on tsetse fly by Drion Boucias and Jan van den Abeele, organised by Laboratory of Virology

promotie over tseetseevliegen
Woensdag 20 November 2013 16:00
Toepassing van infectomics ter beheersing van Glossina hytrosavirus infecties tijdens de productie van tseetseevliegen. Promovendus HM (Henry) Kariithi MSc. Promotor prof.dr. JM (Just) Vlak & prof.dr. MM (Monique) van Oers. "As an insect host metamorphoses to adulthood, vertical transmission of an insect virus becomes epizootically more important than horizontal transmission." Henry Muriuki Kariithi

2nd Edition: The Inclusion of African Youth in Europe! Debate Training & Competition
The future of African youth in Europe is in your hands! The International Debate Education Association in the Netherlands (IDEA Netherlands) organizes a series of debate trainings and debates in Amsterdam and Leiden. Are you under 30 and interested in learning more about the position of African youth in Europe? Are you from an African background or do you work with youth with that background? Do you specialize in academic fields related to the subject, like migration studies, sociology, political science or anthropology? If so, this event is for you! Check the links for more information.