Donderdag 21 November 2013

Nederland, Leiden - ASC, Pieter de la Court building - Lezing en debat
ASC Seminar: Making it in Nairobi: Matatu Culture and Political Economy in the New Africa
Donderdag 21 November 2013 15:30
ASC Seminar: Making it in Nairobi: Matatu Culture and Political Economy in the New Africa
Donderdag 21 November 2013 15:30
Kenda Mutongi, Williams College, MA USA and NIAS Wassenaar. Matatus provide transport for about 70% of Nairobi’s population and the sector is one of the largest employers in Kenya. The matatu industry is the only major business in the country that has not been infiltrated by foreign aid or foreign-aid workers and it has been evolving and thriving since the 1950s. The research discussed in this seminar focuses on the social, economic, cultural and political history of matatus and how they have become so deeply rooted in Kenyan life. Please register.