Agenda 17 - 23 November 2013
Zondag 17 November

2nd Edition: The Inclusion of African Youth in Europe! Debate Training & Competition
The future of African youth in Europe is in your hands! The International Debate Education Association in the Netherlands (IDEA Netherlands) organizes a series of debate trainings and debates in Amsterdam and Leiden. Are you under 30 and interested in learning more about the position of African youth in Europe? Are you from an African background or do you work with youth with that background? Do you specialize in academic fields related to the subject, like migration studies, sociology, political science or anthropology? If so, this event is for you! Check the links for more information.
Maandag 18 November

2nd Edition: The Inclusion of African Youth in Europe! Debate Training & Competition
The future of African youth in Europe is in your hands! The International Debate Education Association in the Netherlands (IDEA Netherlands) organizes a series of debate trainings and debates in Amsterdam and Leiden. Are you under 30 and interested in learning more about the position of African youth in Europe? Are you from an African background or do you work with youth with that background? Do you specialize in academic fields related to the subject, like migration studies, sociology, political science or anthropology? If so, this event is for you! Check the links for more information.
Dinsdag 19 November

2nd Edition: The Inclusion of African Youth in Europe! Debate Training & Competition
The future of African youth in Europe is in your hands! The International Debate Education Association in the Netherlands (IDEA Netherlands) organizes a series of debate trainings and debates in Amsterdam and Leiden. Are you under 30 and interested in learning more about the position of African youth in Europe? Are you from an African background or do you work with youth with that background? Do you specialize in academic fields related to the subject, like migration studies, sociology, political science or anthropology? If so, this event is for you! Check the links for more information.

promotie: smallholder agricultural development in Kenya
Dinsdag 19 November 2013 13:30
Unravelling the role of innovation intermediaries in smallholder agricultural development: Case studies from Kenya. Promovendus CW (Catherine) Kilelu MS. Promotor: C (Cees) Leeuwis & Copromotor: LWA (Laurens) Klerkx.

Lezing Postkantoor der Oceanen door Mara de Groot
Dinsdag 19 November 2013 19:30
Inleiding over poststenen van Mara de Groot (Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed). In de eerste helft van de 17e eeuw gebruikte VOC personeel poststenen om met elkaar, het thuisfront en Batavia te communiceren. Ze maakten inscripties op grote stenen en legden hier soms brieven onder met de bedoeling dat schepen die in tegenovergestelde richting voerden deze weer meenamen. Dit internationale postsysteem 'avant la lettre' is uniek voor Zuidelijk Afrika. Men vindt een dozijn poststenen in de Westkaap en een veertigtal op het eilandje Nosy Mangabe in Noordoost Madagaskar. Aanmelden noodzakelijk, zie site.
Woensdag 20 November

2nd Edition: The Inclusion of African Youth in Europe! Debate Training & Competition
The future of African youth in Europe is in your hands! The International Debate Education Association in the Netherlands (IDEA Netherlands) organizes a series of debate trainings and debates in Amsterdam and Leiden. Are you under 30 and interested in learning more about the position of African youth in Europe? Are you from an African background or do you work with youth with that background? Do you specialize in academic fields related to the subject, like migration studies, sociology, political science or anthropology? If so, this event is for you! Check the links for more information.

seminar over tseetseevliegen
Woensdag 20 November 2013 10:30 - 12:30
Seminar on tsetse fly by Drion Boucias and Jan van den Abeele, organised by Laboratory of Virology

promotie over tseetseevliegen
Woensdag 20 November 2013 16:00
Toepassing van infectomics ter beheersing van Glossina hytrosavirus infecties tijdens de productie van tseetseevliegen. Promovendus HM (Henry) Kariithi MSc. Promotor prof.dr. JM (Just) Vlak & prof.dr. MM (Monique) van Oers. "As an insect host metamorphoses to adulthood, vertical transmission of an insect virus becomes epizootically more important than horizontal transmission." Henry Muriuki Kariithi
Donderdag 21 November

ASC Seminar: Making it in Nairobi: Matatu Culture and Political Economy in the New Africa
Donderdag 21 November 2013 15:30
Kenda Mutongi, Williams College, MA USA and NIAS Wassenaar. Matatus provide transport for about 70% of Nairobi’s population and the sector is one of the largest employers in Kenya. The matatu industry is the only major business in the country that has not been infiltrated by foreign aid or foreign-aid workers and it has been evolving and thriving since the 1950s. The research discussed in this seminar focuses on the social, economic, cultural and political history of matatus and how they have become so deeply rooted in Kenyan life. Please register.
Vrijdag 22 November

Promotie Abdel El Khairat: Satire in Marokko
Vrijdag 22 November 2013 14:30
Door het veranderende politieke klimaat heeft satire een belangrijke positie in Marokko ingenomen. In zijn promotieonderzoek analyseerde Abdel El Khairat voorbeelden van satirische uitdrukkingen in de Marokkaanse context. Bijzondere aandacht schonken hij aan verschillende vormen van satire uit de pers, televisie en films. De studie van historische Marokkaanse vormen van satire zal helpen om te laten zien hoe hedendaagse Marokkaanse satire westerse modellen kopieert naast het teruggrijpen op traditionele vormen.

ASC Seminar: Africa: Opportunities and Challenges - A view from the IMF
Vrijdag 22 November 2013 15:30
Roger Nord, Deputy Director of the IMF’s African Department. Over the past 15-20 years, an increasing number of countries in Africa have been experiencing robust and sustained economic growth. During the recent global recession, many African countries proved quite resilient. What explains this strong economic performance? Is it just a reflection of high commodity prices or have African economies become more competitive? What role have new partners such as China and India played? Despite high growth, significant challenges remain. How to reap the full benefits of natural resource wealth?. Please register.
Zaterdag 23 November

Everyday Africa - NVAS Afrikastudiedag 2013
Zaterdag 23 November 2013 10:00 - 17:00
Lezingen van Pieter van der Zaag en Mirjam de Bruijn, presentaties actueel onderzoek, boekpresentatie Africa for Sale, verhalen in de Afrikazaal over Mali, Benin, Congo, Ghana en de Afrikaanse pelgrimstocht naar Mekka, uitreiking ASC Africa Thesis Award 2013. Aanmelden/registreren voor 31 oktober (via site). De NVAS is een nationaal netwerk van en voor Afrikadeskundigen en studenten in Nederland.