Dinsdag 10 December 2013

Sacklerlezing door Salah Marghani: Libya: a Show Case of Human Rights Issues
Dinsdag 10 December 2013 10:30
Salah Marghani is de minister van Justitie van Libië en geeft deze lezing op de Internationale dag voor de rechten van de mens. Na de lezing is er gelegenheid om vragen te stellen. De lezing van Salah Marghani is de derde Sackler-lezing in de reeks ‘Raymond and Beverly Sackler Distinguished Lectures on Human Rights’.
promotie: Cotton in Benin: governance and pest management
Dinsdag 10 December 2013 11:00 - 12:30
PhD candidate: CE (Codjo) Togbe. Title: Cotton in Benin: governance and pest management. Promoter: prof.dr.ir. A (Arnold) van Huis. Co-promoters: dr. R (Rein) Haagsma, prof. dr ir A van Huis, prof. D Kossou & prof. S Vodouhê. Organisation: Wageningen University, Laboratory of Entomology, Please note: Venue: Externe Zaal 1 (Cotonou, Benin)

promotie on farmers' water management and rice production practices in Benin
Dinsdag 10 December 2013 13:30 - 15:00
PhD candidate: GGE (Edmond) Totin. Title: An institutional perspective on farmers' water management and rice production practices in Benin. Promoter: prof.dr.ir. L (Leo) Stroosnijder Roch Mongbo. Co-promoter: prof. EK Agbossou, dr BC van Mierlo. Organisation: Wageningen University, Soil Physics and Land Management, Knowledge Technology and Innovation. Please note: Venue: Externe Zaal 1 (Cotonou, Benin)
promotie: Analysis of collective performance in the Malian shea sector: from fields to markets
Dinsdag 10 December 2013 16:00 - 17:30
PhD candidate: A (Amadou) Sidibe. Analysis of collective performance in the Malian shea sector: from fields to markets. Shea butter extracted from kernels can be found in cosmetic and food products. Organising women to make butter for international markets has been central to development strategies in the Malian shea sector. However, only a limited number of women are actually member of and benefit from such groups. Please note: Venue: Externe Zaal 1 (Cotonou, Benin)