Maandag 09 December 2013

promotie: Analysing seed systems performance - The case of oil palm in Benin
Maandag 09 December 2013 13:30 - 15:00
PhD candidate: E (Essegbemon) Akpo. Title: Analysing seed systems performance - The case of oil palm in Benin. Promoter: PC (Paul) Struik and Co-promoter: TA (Todd) Crane. Organisation: Wageningen University, Centre for Crop Systems Analysis. Please note: Venue: Externe Zaal 1 (Cotonou, Benin)

ASC Film Seminar: Voices (on the South African film industry)
Maandag 09 December 2013 15:30
Voices is an academic documentary directed and produced alongside a Phd in the Science Political Institute of Bordeaux in France. The topic of the thesis in French is the impact of democratization on a cultural sector: the case of the South African film industry after apartheid. Filmmaker Joachim Landau will be present at the screening and the subsequent discussion. Please register.