Donderdag 13 Juni 2013

Challenges & Potentials of African Economic Transformation Can Economic Transformation be Inclusive?
Donderdag 13 Juni 2013 14:00 - 17:30
On the occasion of the launch of the African Transformation report, the African Center for Economic Transformation in collaboration with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the International Institute of Social Studies will be hosting a seminar. Please register

Female figurines in late antique Egypt - Guest lecture
Donderdag 13 Juni 2013 15:00
Prof. David Frankfurter, Department of Religion at Boston University. One of the most tantalizing corpora of evidence for the Christianization of Egyptian religion is the great diversity of female figurines, evidently produced in workshops all over Egypt, yet unattested or documented in any texts. This lecture, part of a larger project on the local sites of Christianization, uses these figurines and their forms to reconstruct the iconographic strategies of the workshop, the ritual procedures of the client or ritual subject (at shrine or tomb), and the nature of the domestic shrine. Registration required, see site.

ASC Seminar: Unlikely Allies: Zambia, Yugoslavia and the Quest for Nonaligned Economic Development
Donderdag 13 Juni 2013 15:30 - 17:00
Ensuring economic development for a postcolonial African nation was in itself a monumental task. Yet for landlocked Zambia, development was influenced by more than a colonial legacy. Zambian development issues were directly tied to the volatile situation in Southern Africa, and its methods of negotiating this situation were deeply influenced by the Cold War. Speaker: Jessica Achberger, Research Fellow at the Southern African Institute of Policy and Research in Lusaka, Zambia. Please register

Seminar: 'A Successful Slum Upgrade in Durban: A Case of Formal Change and Informal Continuity
Donderdag 13 Juni 2013 16:00 - 17:30
The Civic Innovation Research Initiative (CIRI) is pleased to announce a seminar with Dr. Kamna Patel on a slum upgrade in Durban, South Africa. The seminar will scrutinize the process and impact of community participation in a slum upgrade in Durban.

3e LKV Lustrumlezing Marokko: De Legende van Fez en Marokko in het kader van World Art Studies
Donderdag 13 Juni 2013 20:00 - 22:00
Gastsprekers: Simon O’Meara, deskundige in kunst cultuur en religie van de stad Fez, en Kitty Zijlmans, professor in hedendaagse kunst en Word Art Studies, en directeur van het LUCAS. Op deze laatste avond richten we het perspectief op de stad Fez vanuit religie en de legende over de ontstaansgeschiedenis. Simon O’Meara zal daarbij de link leggen naar kunst en cultuur in de stad.
Kitty Zijlmans sluit de lezingenserie af met Marokko in het kader plaatsen van de door haar opgerichte World Art Studies aan Universiteit Leiden.