Maandag 03 Juni 2013

Nederland, Leiden - ASC, Pieter de la Court building - Lezing en debat
Seminar: PADev
Maandag 03 Juni 2013 14:00 - 17:00
Seminar: PADev
Maandag 03 Juni 2013 14:00 - 17:00
This seminar is organized by the ASC together with ICCO, Woord en Daad, Prisma, KIT and UvA. PADev (the Participatory Assessment of Development) is a participatory evaluation method that has been jointly developed since 2008 by three Dutch NGOs (ICCO, Woord en Daad and Prisma), the University of Amsterdam/ African Studies Centre and the Royal Tropical Institute, the University for Development Studies in Tamale, Ghana and Etudes Action Conseils in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Please register