Agenda 06 - 12 November 2011
Woensdag 09 November

promotie Zacharie Zida: Long-term effects of conservation soil management in Saria, Burkina Faso
Woensdag 09 November 2011 16:00
Donderdag 10 November

Heinrich Wolff - Architecture at a time of social change
Designers of the future lecture. In view of radical change such as in North Africa, urgent questions should be asked about the role of architecture in times of social change and what role architects can play in the outcomes of societal transformation. South African architect Heinrich Wolff strongly believes architecture can blaze a path to social, economic, environmental and political transformation and a more socially equal future in the long run.

CANCELLED - Beyond Leaders, Towards Institutions
Donderdag 10 November 2011 15:30
Dr Xolela Mangcu, Department of History, University of KwaZulu-Natal. The heritage of great leaders has produced a corrupt, patronage-based political culture. In the wake of growing community protests around the country, South Africa urgently needs to develop local institutions to respond to pent-up frustrations and serve as sites for collective problem solving and democratic accountability. Please register.
Vrijdag 11 November

Global architecture, is there a difference?
Vrijdag 11 November 2011 16:00 - 18:00
Heinrich Wolff (South Africa) is often crossing borders in his country. He shares his ideas on border crossing with the Amsterdam crowd. After his involvement in OMA’s innovative projects in his home country Nigeria and elsewhere in the world, Kunle Adeyemi started NLé, focusing on shaping the architecture of development cities. Berend van der Lans is co-founder of ArchiAfrika, the network organization with focus on architecture in Africa which has border-crossing in the core of the veins.
Zaterdag 12 November

Boekpresentatie De Getuige - Vamba Sherif
Scherp portret van Nederland in verandering. Voor de kok Onno verandert binnen een paar dagen zijn wereldbeeld. Zijn zoon krijgt moslimvrienden en bekeert zich tot de Islam, de marktkraam waar hij groente koopt wordt door een Marokkaan overgenomen, en in zijn vredige buitenwijk wordt hij gefascineerd door een Afrikaanse vrouw die in het asielzoekerscentrum verblijft.