Agenda 16 - 22 September 2012
Dinsdag 18 September

Promotion: Physiological and Behavioural Plasticity of Afr
Dinsdag 18 September 2012 13:30 - 15:00
Thesis by A.K. (Anil) Shrestha. Full title: Living on the Edge: Physiological and Behavioural Plasticity of African Antelopes along a Climate Gradient. Promotor: prof.dr. H.H.T. Prins; Promotor: prof.dr. S. de Bie; Co-Promotor: dr. S.E. van Wieren.
Donderdag 20 September

Book launch: The Dancing Dead. Ritual and Religion among the Kapsiki/Higi of North Cameroon...
Donderdag 20 September 2012 11:00
The Cameroonian ambassador, Her Excellency Ms. Odette Melono, will officially receive the first copy of the newest book of Prof. Wouter van Beek (African Studies Centre): The Dancing Dead. Ritual and Religion among the Kapsiki/Higi of North Cameroon and Northeastern Nigeria. Please register, see site. The ceremony will be followed, at 15.00, by the PhD defense of Haman Usuna. His dissertation is entitled The new pastoralism. Absentee owners, new Technologies, economic change and natural resource management in the Sahelian region of North Cameroon.