Agenda 16 - 22 Juni 2013
Donderdag 20 Juni

ASC Seminar on the Evangelical Career of John G. Lake, Missionary to South Africa 1908–1913
Donderdag 20 Juni 2013 15:30 - 17:00
An analysis of the missionary career of John G Lake shows that the initial spread of Pentecostalism and Zionism in southern Africa was facilitated by the systematic use of fraud and deception. After having fled from Zion City in America in 1907 to escape popular justice, Lake and his missionary party introduced to South Africa an array of faith healing techniques used by the original Zionist John Alexander Dowie. They used these and other forms of deception to build a unified Zionist/Pentecostal movement. Speaker: Barry Morton, Ivy Tech Community College, USA. Please register
Vrijdag 21 Juni

Lezing/college: Revolution and Constitution in Iran, Egypt and Tunesia
Vrijdag 21 Juni 2013 17:00 - 19:00
The recent revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia, and the Iranian 1979 revolution all produced new constitutions which show significant differences. In this lecture Saïd Amir Arjomand analyses the constitution-making processes of these three countries and explains their different outcomes. Saïd Amir Arjomand is Distinguished Service Professor of Sociology at the State University of New York and Director of the Stony Brook Institute for Global Studies. He is the founder and President (1996-2002, 2005-08) of the Association for the Study of Persianate Societies, and Editor of its organ, Journal of Persianate Studies.
Zaterdag 22 Juni

AYP Symposium: Africa on The Move
Zaterdag 22 Juni 2013 13:00 - 22:00
The African Young Professional Network (AYP) is a platform for young professionals of African descent living in the Netherlands. The members are connected to the African continent either by heritage or appreciation of the African culture and ways of life. AYP will be organizing the second edition of the symposium “Africa on The Move”. This years edition is dedicated to throwing more light on contemporary Africa – and the opportunities that exist therein. For more information and registration: