Agenda 10 - 16 November 2013
Maandag 11 November

Prikkels voor duurzaam waterbeheer van de Blauwe Nijl - promotie
Maandag 11 November 2013 15:45
De natuurlijke hulpbronnen in het stroomgebied van de Blauwe Nijl staan onder grote druk door niet-duurzame landbouwpraktijken. Het levensonderhoud van een meerderheid van de bevolking in Ethiopië is afhankelijk van deze hulpbronnen. Er lijkt dus een sterke correlatie te bestaan tussen armoede en het gebrek aan investeringen in duurzaam gebruik van natuurlijke hulpbronnen. Abonesh Tulu onderzocht en testte de institutioneel-economische randvoorwaarden waaraan moet worden voldaan om de externaliteiten van niet-duurzaam landgebruik in het stroomgebied van de Blauwe Nijl te internaliseren in huidige landbouwpraktijken.

promotie: Watershed Management in the Blue Nile River Basin
Maandag 11 November 2013 15:45
Title: Institutional-Economic Incentives for Sustainable Watershed Management in the Blue Nile River Basin. By A.T. Tulu. Promotors: R. Brouwer, prof.dr. P. van der Zaag
Dinsdag 12 November

promotie: Water Resources Management in Ghana
Dinsdag 12 November 2013 11:45
Title: Stakeholder Participation in Water Resources Management: The Case of Densu Basin in Ghana. By N.A. Anokye. Promotors: prof.dr. J. Gupta, prof. S.B. Kendie
Donderdag 14 November

ASC Africa Today Seminar: Kenya in 2013: the Elections, the Constitution and the Jubilee
Donderdag 14 November 2013 15:30
Charles Hornsby. The talk will examine the 2013 Kenyan general elections in the context of previous since polls, and will present (so far unpublished) comparative analysis of five of the six simultaneous elections, and what they tell us about the viability of the results and about the underlying basis of support for the Jubilee coalition (i.e. "why Uhuru won"). It will then look at events since April, focussing on devolution, the new "non-political" ministerial structure and the ICC. It will also examine how the results of the election remain contested and how those doubts are played back into the political sphere both domestically and via international opinion. Please register.
Vrijdag 15 November

2nd Edition: The Inclusion of African Youth in Europe! Debate Training & Competition
The future of African youth in Europe is in your hands! The International Debate Education Association in the Netherlands (IDEA Netherlands) organizes a series of debate trainings and debates in Amsterdam and Leiden. Are you under 30 and interested in learning more about the position of African youth in Europe? Are you from an African background or do you work with youth with that background? Do you specialize in academic fields related to the subject, like migration studies, sociology, political science or anthropology? If so, this event is for you! Check the links for more information.
Zaterdag 16 November

2nd Edition: The Inclusion of African Youth in Europe! Debate Training & Competition
The future of African youth in Europe is in your hands! The International Debate Education Association in the Netherlands (IDEA Netherlands) organizes a series of debate trainings and debates in Amsterdam and Leiden. Are you under 30 and interested in learning more about the position of African youth in Europe? Are you from an African background or do you work with youth with that background? Do you specialize in academic fields related to the subject, like migration studies, sociology, political science or anthropology? If so, this event is for you! Check the links for more information.