Agenda 25 - 31 Mei 2014
Maandag 26 Mei

promotie: Safety and afficacy of iron interventions in African pregant women
PhD Defence Martin Mwangi - "Safety and afficacy of iron interventions in African pregant women". Organisation: Cell Biology and Immunology. Iron supplementation during pregnancy leads to tremendous benefits for new-born children. This was the key conclusion of a randomised placebo-controlled trial that was undertaken in rural Kenya, and may be the key to improving neonatal survival in developing countries

ASC Seminar: ‘A Criminal Investigation, Not a Political Analysis?'
Maandag 26 Mei 2014 15:30
How the ICC Issue Sabotaged Democracy in the 2013 Kenyan Election. Tom Wolf, Public Affairs IPSOS-Kenya. In the aftermath of the 2007-2008 post-election violence, Kenyans and the country’s main international partners were determined to undertake the reforms needed to ensure that such a tragedy/crisis would never be repeated. With the finalization of its content and then the implementation of a new Constitution, these reforms included a complete overhaul of the country’s electoral management body and the ‘holding to account’ of those seen as most responsible for the earlier violence. Although a new election commission was in place by 2009 and the following (March 2013) election was largely peaceful, pursuing an agenda of accountability produced the opposite result to that intended.
Dinsdag 27 Mei

Europese zonen - Afrikaanse vaders: Andrew Makkinga in gesprek met Johannes Anyuru
Dinsdag 27 Mei 2014 20:30
Wat betekent de Afrikaanse achtergrond voor een jongere generatie die in Europa is opgegroeid? Hoe staan zij tegenover de emigratie van hun ouders naar Europa? Andrew Makkinga gaat in gesprek met de Zweedse schrijver, dichter en rapliefhebber Johannes Anyuru die een schitterende roman schreef over zijn Afrikaanse vader. Makkinga en Anyuru zijn beiden geboren in Oeganda. Een avond van Writers Unlimited i.s.m World Editions, in het kader van het The Hague African Festival. Voertaal is Engels. Na afloop signeert Johannes Anyuru zijn boek Een storm kwam uit het paradijs.
Woensdag 28 Mei

9th eLearning Africa conference
The largest annual assembly of eLearning & education professionals from Africa and beyond. eLearning Africa continues to build & expand a worldwide network for people involved in all aspects of technology-enhanced education & training in Africa.

ASC Seminar: Making Room for Islam in the West: Senegalese Muslims in Europe and North America
Woensdag 28 Mei 2014 15:30
Cheikh Anta Babou, University of Pennsylvania. Significant international migration from Islamic West Africa to Europe and North America began in the aftermath of World War II with a loosening of the laws that constrained the mobility of French imperial subjects and accelerated between the 1960s and 1990s. West African Muslims have been particularly successful in making room for Islam in the Western world. This seminar will investigate this process of space making and the ways in which Africans from the former French colonies in West Africa, especially Senegal, have been able to negotiate their inclusion in the Western public sphere at a time of increasing tensions with Islam.
Donderdag 29 Mei

9th eLearning Africa conference
The largest annual assembly of eLearning & education professionals from Africa and beyond. eLearning Africa continues to build & expand a worldwide network for people involved in all aspects of technology-enhanced education & training in Africa.

AYP Apéritif (Den Haag)
Donderdag 29 Mei 2014 17:30 - 21:00
Would you like to exchange ideas with other AYP members after work or classes? You are more than welcome to join us at our AYP Apéritif, the network drink!
Vrijdag 30 Mei

9th eLearning Africa conference
The largest annual assembly of eLearning & education professionals from Africa and beyond. eLearning Africa continues to build & expand a worldwide network for people involved in all aspects of technology-enhanced education & training in Africa.