Agenda 04 - 10 Mei 2014
Dinsdag 06 Mei

promotie P. Scussolini: Dynamics of Pleistocene climate change in the South Atlantic Ocean
Dinsdag 06 Mei 2014 11:45
Dit proefschrift gaat over de reconstructie van klimatologische kenmerken uit het verleden. Het onderzoek richt zich in het bijzonder op de klimaatgeschiedenis van de Zuid-Atlantische Oceaan gedurende periodes van grootschalige klimatologische verschuivingen tijdens het Pleistoceen. Een goed begrip van deze verschuivingen en de dynamiek erachter is van essentieel belang om de huidige klimaatverandering en de consequenties daarvan te doorgronden.
Donderdag 08 Mei

Conference: From Corporate Paternalism to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Donderdag 08 Mei 2014 10:00
t/m Vrijdag 09 Mei 2014
An interdisciplinary and cross-regional perspective on CSR practices of transnational corporations (TNC’s) on mining operations in West and Southern Africa, and the Caribbean. The purpose of the conference is twofold: 1) to think through practices of valorising knowledge and claims to expertise by scrutinizing empirical cases of CSR practices; 2) to determine a wider research agenda on public-private partnership of which CSR practices and heritage projects are exemplary. ASC in cooperation with Departments of Anthropology and Archecology. Please register.
Vrijdag 09 Mei

Conference: From Corporate Paternalism to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Donderdag 08 Mei 2014 10:00
t/m Vrijdag 09 Mei 2014
An interdisciplinary and cross-regional perspective on CSR practices of transnational corporations (TNC’s) on mining operations in West and Southern Africa, and the Caribbean. The purpose of the conference is twofold: 1) to think through practices of valorising knowledge and claims to expertise by scrutinizing empirical cases of CSR practices; 2) to determine a wider research agenda on public-private partnership of which CSR practices and heritage projects are exemplary. ASC in cooperation with Departments of Anthropology and Archecology. Please register.