Agenda 24 - 30 April 2016
Maandag 25 April

Spiritualiteit en gezondheidszorg in Ghana (Promotie)
Maandag 25 April 2016 12:30
Spiritualiteit en gezondheidzorg zijn twee verschillende werkelijkheden in vorm en aard. De vraag is of het een gemeenschappelijk fenomeen is van de gezondheidzorg van opkomende samenlevingen dat deze twee een ongewone relatie hebben. Promovendus Opoku onderzoekt in dit proefschrift de verbanden die bestaan tussen gezondheidzorg en spiritualiteit in Ghana en de veranderingen die zijn ontstaan in de traditionele gezondheidzorg sinds de invoering van praktijken van gezondheidzorg vanuit het Westen.
Dinsdag 26 April

Conversation - What did the truth bring South Africa?
Dinsdag 26 April 2016 17:15 - 19:00
How did the Truth and Reconciliation Commission impact South Africa? And how has it influenced transitional justice generally? Twenty years after the truth commission was set up, we will be exploring these questions with the help of a number of experts. We will also discuss the South African experience for what it teaches us about the (im)possible ways for a society to make its peace with a violent past. With Bram Vermeulen (NOS correspondent in South Africa), Thijs Bouwknegt (researcher at NIOD – Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies) and Catherine Jenkins (South-Africa expert from the SOAS institute at the University of London).
Donderdag 28 April

ASC Seminar: Is religious radicalization a threat to stable countries in West Africa?
Donderdag 28 April 2016 15:30 - 17:00
Peter Knoope headed a team that conducted field research in Ghana and Benin, exploring the potential for religious radicalization in stable countries in West Africa. The team looked into religious, historical, political and societal dynamics that may constitute elements of future (in)stability. New religious “ideologies” (Christian evangelism and/or Sunni revivalism), mixed with economic frustrations, have deeply impacted the traditional balance and make long-term stability a challenge for many countries in the region. Peter Knoope will address ways in which the Ghanaian and Beninese actors deal with politics, identity and societal stress. Please register