Agenda 08 - 14 December 2013
Maandag 09 December

promotie: Analysing seed systems performance - The case of oil palm in Benin
Maandag 09 December 2013 13:30 - 15:00
PhD candidate: E (Essegbemon) Akpo. Title: Analysing seed systems performance - The case of oil palm in Benin. Promoter: PC (Paul) Struik and Co-promoter: TA (Todd) Crane. Organisation: Wageningen University, Centre for Crop Systems Analysis. Please note: Venue: Externe Zaal 1 (Cotonou, Benin)

ASC Film Seminar: Voices (on the South African film industry)
Maandag 09 December 2013 15:30
Voices is an academic documentary directed and produced alongside a Phd in the Science Political Institute of Bordeaux in France. The topic of the thesis in French is the impact of democratization on a cultural sector: the case of the South African film industry after apartheid. Filmmaker Joachim Landau will be present at the screening and the subsequent discussion. Please register.
Dinsdag 10 December

Sacklerlezing door Salah Marghani: Libya: a Show Case of Human Rights Issues
Dinsdag 10 December 2013 10:30
Salah Marghani is de minister van Justitie van Libië en geeft deze lezing op de Internationale dag voor de rechten van de mens. Na de lezing is er gelegenheid om vragen te stellen. De lezing van Salah Marghani is de derde Sackler-lezing in de reeks ‘Raymond and Beverly Sackler Distinguished Lectures on Human Rights’.
promotie: Cotton in Benin: governance and pest management
Dinsdag 10 December 2013 11:00 - 12:30
PhD candidate: CE (Codjo) Togbe. Title: Cotton in Benin: governance and pest management. Promoter: A (Arnold) van Huis. Co-promoters: dr. R (Rein) Haagsma, prof. dr ir A van Huis, prof. D Kossou & prof. S Vodouhê. Organisation: Wageningen University, Laboratory of Entomology, Please note: Venue: Externe Zaal 1 (Cotonou, Benin)

promotie on farmers' water management and rice production practices in Benin
Dinsdag 10 December 2013 13:30 - 15:00
PhD candidate: GGE (Edmond) Totin. Title: An institutional perspective on farmers' water management and rice production practices in Benin. Promoter: L (Leo) Stroosnijder Roch Mongbo. Co-promoter: prof. EK Agbossou, dr BC van Mierlo. Organisation: Wageningen University, Soil Physics and Land Management, Knowledge Technology and Innovation. Please note: Venue: Externe Zaal 1 (Cotonou, Benin)
promotie: Analysis of collective performance in the Malian shea sector: from fields to markets
Dinsdag 10 December 2013 16:00 - 17:30
PhD candidate: A (Amadou) Sidibe. Analysis of collective performance in the Malian shea sector: from fields to markets. Shea butter extracted from kernels can be found in cosmetic and food products. Organising women to make butter for international markets has been central to development strategies in the Malian shea sector. However, only a limited number of women are actually member of and benefit from such groups. Please note: Venue: Externe Zaal 1 (Cotonou, Benin)
Woensdag 11 December

promotie on Cymothoe butterflies and their Rinorea host plants in tropical Africa
Woensdag 11 December 2013 11:00 - 12:30
PhD candidate: Robin van Velzen. Title: Evolution of associations between Cymothoe butterflies and their Rinorea host plants in tropical Africa. Promoter: prof.dr. MSM (Marc) Sosef. Co-promoter: dr. FT (Freek) Bakker. Organisation: Wageningen University, Biosystematics

promotie: The charismatic movement in Sierra Leone (1980-2010)
Woensdag 11 December 2013 11:45
Promovendus: J.B. Bangura. Titel proefschrift: The charismatic movement in Sierra Leone (1980-2010): A misso-historical analysis in view of African culture, prosperity gospel and power theology. Promotoren: prof.dr. B. van den Toren, prof.dr. K. Fiedler

Commemorative meeting Nelson Mandela
Woensdag 11 December 2013 18:00 - 20:00
The African Studies Centre (ASC) and ZAM Magazine have the honour to invite you to join us in commemorating Nelson Mandela on Wednesday 11 December, 18:00-20:00. Several speakers will focus on the significance of Nelson Mandela and the roles he has played in various phases of a long liberation struggle. How does South Africa’s future look without Nelson Mandela? Ineke van Kessel (ASC), author of a biography about Nelson Mandela, Harry Wels (ASC and associate Professor at VU University) and a roundtable discussion will follow, moderated by Bart Luirink, former correspondent and current editor-in-chief of ZAM Magazine. You are most welcome to join us. For catering reasons, we kindly ask you to register:
Donderdag 12 December

promotie: Incentives to enhance the production of quality cocoa beans in Ghana
Donderdag 12 December 2013 11:00 - 12:30
Titel proefschrift: Incentives for smallholders to enhance the production of quality cocoa beans in Ghana: The role of institutions. Promovendus: W (William) Quarmine. Promotor: A (Arnold) van Huis. Copromotor: dr. R (Rein) Haagsma

promotie on the Western Highlands of Cameroon
Donderdag 12 December 2013 13:45
Promovendus: C.M. Tankou. Titel proefschrift: The Interactions of Human Mobility and Farming Systems and Impacts on Biodiversity and Soil Quality in the Western Highlands of Cameroon. Promotoren: Prof.dr. G.R. de Snoo, Prof.dr. G.A. Persoon en H.H. de Iongh

ASC Seminar: Containing and Accommodating Salafism: Lessons from the Republic of Niger
Donderdag 12 December 2013 15:30
Sebastian Elischer, German Institute of Global and Area Studies/Institute of African Affairs. In line with many West African nations, Niger’s democratization process in the early 1990s led to the spread of Orthodox Sunni Islam (Salafism). However, in contrast to neighbouring countries, Niger has not experienced large-scale Islamic violence nor have the various governments given in to Islamic demands to abandon the secular state. Salafism remained ‘quietist’ and has largely focused on missionary and educational activities. Please register.

promotie: Improving the quality of crude palm oil in Ghana
Donderdag 12 December 2013 16:00 - 17:30
Titel proefschrift: Improving the quality of crude palm oil: Transdisciplinary research on artisanal processing in Kwaebibirem District, Ghana. Promovendus: C (Charity) Osei-Amponsah. Promotor: prof.dr. LE (Leontine) Visser; Copromotor: TJ (Tjeerd-Jan) Stomph & dr O Sakyi-Dawson. Organisatie Wageningen University, Centrum voor Gewassysteemanalyse, Leerstoelgroep Rurale ontwikkelingssociologie

Culture in Action with Ahmed Fouad Negm - Prince Claus Awards Week
Donderdag 12 December 2013 20:00
Tijdens dit programma wordt de Egyptische dichter Ahmed Fouad Negm (1929 - 3 december 2013), winnaar van de Grote Prins Claus Prijs 2013, postuum geëerd door middel van performances en debat. Meer dan een halve eeuw gebruikte Negm zijn originele en kritische poëzie als wapen tegen corruptie en onderdrukking. Nederlandse artiesten als beeldend kunstenaar Marlene Dumas, rapper Kraantje Pappie, acteur Sabri Saad el Hamus en spoken word artist Karima el Fillali vertolken teksten van Negm. Daarnaast staat het denken van Negm centraal tijdens een debat over cultureel activisme met de Zuid-Afrikaanse fotoactivist Zanele Muholi en de Pakistaanse kunstenares Naiza Khan.

Culture in Action with Idrissou Mora-Kpaï - Prince Claus Awards Week
Donderdag 12 December 2013 20:30
De vooraanstaande Afrikaanse documentairemaker Idrissou Mora-Kpaï (Benin, 1967) behandelt in zijn werk complexe sociale onderwerpen, zoals de invloed van het kolonialisme. Op deze avond wordt zijn film Indochina, Traces of a Mother getoond. Meer dan 60.000 Afrikaanse soldaten werden tussen 1946 en 1954 gerekruteerd door het Franse leger (vaak onvrijwillig) om te vechten tegen de Viet Minh. Er is weinig bekend over de kinderen, geboren uit een huwelijken tussen deze soldaten en Vietnamese vrouwen, die door het koloniale leger werden teruggestuurd naar Afrika na afloop van de oorlog. Zij zagen hun moeders nooit meer terug.