Agenda 25 Juni - 01 Juli 2023
Maandag 26 Juni

PhD defence: The effects of multi-nutrient fortified dairy-based formulas on growth, anaemia, and micronutrient status in Nigerian late preterm infants and moderately malnourished toddlers
Maandag 26 Juni 2023 13:30 - 15:00
PhD candidate: AJ (Adedotun) Owolabi MSc. Promotor: EJM (Edith) Feskens. Co-promotor: A (Alida) Melse-Boonstra. External copromotor: Dr Folake Samuel & Dr Anne Schaafsma. Organisation: Wageningen University, Human Nutrition & Health
Woensdag 28 Juni

Promotie: Vermindering van de last van tuberculose en sepsis in Gabon
Woensdag 28 Juni 2023 16:00 - 17:30
Dhr. B.R. Adegbite promoveert op het proefschrift: 'Reducing the Burden of Tuberculosis and Sepsis in Gabon. Clinical and epidemiological investigations for improved control'. Promotoren zijn prof. dr. M.P. Grobusch en prof. dr. A.A. Adegnika.
Donderdag 29 Juni

Promotie: Conservation and monitoring of wildlife in logged tropical forests - A study in Western Equatorial Africa
Donderdag 29 Juni 2023 16:15 - 17:15
Promovendus: J.A. Zwerts, Promotor(es): prof. dr. E.H.M. Sterck & dr. P.A. Verweij. Co-promotor(es): dr. M. Van Kuijk & dr. F. Maisels