365 South Africa - Alison McKay
Van Woensdag 11 April 2012
t/m Vrijdag 11 Mei 2012
t/m Vrijdag 11 Mei 2012

For the entire year of 2011, Alison McKay set out to create one 20x20cm painting each day, illustrating a news headline for the day. She documented her progress in an interactive online blog (Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.). McKay’s work is largely figurative and graphic and located within an urban aesthetic. Her work largely draws inspiration from the opinions and actions of the ordinary person in the streets of South Africa - their energy and need to survive.
Locatie ArtSpace Johannesburg
142 Jan Smuts Avenue
Parkwood, Johannesburg
South Africa
142 Jan Smuts Avenue
Parkwood, Johannesburg
South Africa