West-Afrikaanse palmwijnmuziek in 't Lloyd Hotel

On a warm Sunday at the West Africa coast, palmwine musician Seydu tells his story. He takes his listeners overseas to the mediteranean coast where he further developed his cultural heritage. He's open about the years in Spain, his return to Sierra Leone and the meaning he gives to the traditional Fulah culture. This story is recorded by journalist Liesbeth Tjon A Meeuw and put together in a musical audio-footage. Come and listen to Seydu. Presented by Liesbeth Tjon A Meeuw, Christina Carvalho in co-operation with Concerto and Lloyd Hotel & Cultural Embassy. Entrance is free. Reservations: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
Oostelijke Handelskade 34