The Future White Women of Azania - Athi Patra Ruga (exhibition)
t/m Dinsdag 31 December 2013

In The Future White Women of Azania Ruga is turning his attention to an idea intimately linked to the apartheid era’s fiction of Azania – a Southern African decolonialised arcadia. But Ruga, in his imaginings of Azania, has stuck closer to the original myth, situating it in Eastern Africa as Pliny the Elder did. Here Ruga in his map The Lands of Azania (2014-2094) has created lands suggestive of sin, of decadence and current politics. Countries named Palestine, Sodom, Kuntistan, Zwartheid and Nunubia are lands that reference pre-colonial, colonial and biblical regions with all their negative and politically disquieting associations.
208 Albert Road
Woodstock, Cape Town