The Needle and the Damage Done - prints by Diane Victor
Van Zaterdag 12 April 2014
t/m Zondag 29 Juni 2014
t/m Zondag 29 Juni 2014

For Diane Victor, making art ‘provides a way of working through troublesome images that lodge themselves persistently in her memory.’ The process is cathartic. The visual equivalent of psychoanalytic ‘talking cure’, Victor draws her subject matter from far and wide, pulling information from the media and personal encounters, transforming them into rich and heavily populated compositions, full-blown narratives employing her grotesque and characteristic iconography. In this exhibition, one sees Victor still pre-occupied with ‘the big “catholic” sins – greed, lust, envy and excess.
Locatie David Krut Projects
142 Jan Smuts Avenue, Parkwood
142 Jan Smuts Avenue, Parkwood