Running - photographs by Thabiso Sekgala
Van Zaterdag 03 Mei 2014
t/m Zaterdag 31 Mei 2014
t/m Zaterdag 31 Mei 2014

Photographic exhibition bringing together three series: ‘Running Amman’, ‘Running Bulawayo’ and ‘Paradise’. Although shot in highly disparate places – the cities of Amman, Bulawayo and Berlin – all three series are viewed by Sekgala as part of a similar trajectory of movement, displacement, transition; each photograph displaying a veneer of calm, that may or may not be on the verge of catastrophe. Considering both the notion of running towards and away from, Sekgala confronts perceptions surrounding place, influenced by sentiments such as aspiration and assumption, and ultimately destabilises these.
Locatie Goodman Gallery
176 Sir Lowry Road
Cape Town
176 Sir Lowry Road
Cape Town