Moshekwa Langa – The Jealous Lover
t/m Zondag 21 September 2014

Moshekwa Langa’s work was shown in the late nineties – now he is present with his site-specific work The Jealous Lover. Moshekwa Langa (*1975 in Bakenberg/Southafrica) is just as familiar with European culture, and particularly literature, as he is with the visual culture of South Africa. He combines and weaves together diverse European and African themes, motifs and elements, creating installations, works on paper, photographs and videos that form a new assemblage. He often uses ordinary materials like strings, watercolors, found items, tape, thread reels and threads. It is precisely that these threads tell (hi)stories. They connect different objects, thoughts, associations; with his threads Langa weaves a visual and often also linguistic net of political experiences and personal memories – between Apartheid and exile.
Linienstraße 139/140