najaarstournee Soweto Soul door Joep Pelt en band, Zuluboy en Zuid-Afrikaanse zangers
t/m Zaterdag 15 Oktober 2016

Soweto Soul! tributes the musical soul of the townships. In a collaboration of different generations of South-African artists and the Dutch producer/guitarist Joep Pelt different music styles as Pennywhistle Jive, Hip-Hop, Mbaqanga en Kwaito are being melted together. The result is a dynamic show which will move the crowd! Supported by Afrovibes Festival & the Performing Arts Fund. Soweto Soul on tour in The Netherlands this autumn!!! 4 okt. De Oosterpoort (Groningen); 6 okt. Afrovibes Festival (Amsterdam), 7 okt. Grounds (Rotterdam); 8 okt. Melkweg (Amsterdam), 9 okt. Tivoli-Vredenburg (Utrecht); 15 okt. Afrovibes Festival (Den Haag)