Tata Madiba. Father of our democracy: Father of our Nation.
t/m Maandag 31 December 2018

The upgraded Tata Madiba exhibition content and objects are meant to stimulate conversation about his life, struggles and extraordinary contribution to protection of South Africa’s rich biodiversity; but also connect to contemporary issues around conservation and sustainability. The exhibition also includes the many species named after him and those he and his fellow prisoners may have encountered on Robben Island. The exhibition includes as its central piece the iMadiba Project which is a participatory art project conceptualized and created by artist and photographer Erhardt Thiel. It is endorsed by the Nelson Mandela Foundation The intention of the installation or micro museum is to facilitate dialogue, memory, reflection and forward thinking. The combination of the Tata Madiba exhibition and the iMadiba Project art installation is therefore an apt marriage to celebrate the centenary of this great statesman Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela.
Cape Town