Lecture: The Impediments to Uncovering the Human Rights Dimension of Sino-African Relations

Speaker: Dr. Stacey Links. Please register. In her lecture, Dr. Stacey Links will reflect on her recently defended doctoral research, ‘The Impediments to Uncovering the Human Rights Dimension of Sino-African Relations.’ In her research, she argues against the dominant discourse that assumes Sino-African relations to be void of or inimical to human rights. She problematises the discourse’s representations of ‘human rights,’ ‘the nature of relations,’ as well as the ‘actors involved,’ through a critical and postcolonial lens. Dr. Stacey Links is a researcher whose work is focused on the nexus of critical international relations, critical human rights scholarship and development. Her research in her PhD trajectory focused specifically on the human rights dimension of Sino-African relations. Her doctoral research was conducted through Utrecht University and funded by the Dutch Foreign Office as part of a broader project.
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Den Haag
2511 DP