Alex Mawimbi (Kenia): Self-Referential - Solo exhibition
t/m Zaterdag 23 Februari 2019

Opening Sa 26 jan 16.00-18.00 by Pauline Burmann (chair Thami Mnyele foundation, curator). Alex Mawimbi will present the performance 'On the Masaii Market and Ambivalence'. Gallery SANAA is proud to present the first solo exhibition of Alex Mawimbi in the Netherlands. Alex Mawimbi will show several series of drawings in this exhibition: Drawings with African Objects, Peacock drawings, and Tree drawings series. The title of the solo is Self-Referential "'I have chosen this because my drawings are self-referential and although I am a black, African female artist, I find myself akin to the minimalist movement of the 1960's, which was largely self-referential." Mawimbi will also show sculptures for the first time. Furthermore the vidoes 'On fait ensemble' and 'The Warrior' will be screened.