Talk on Tyler Dolan's photo exhibition at the ASC

On Thursday 18 September, 16.00-17.00, Kitchell Samuel (see photo) will give a talk on Tyler Dolan's photo exhibition at the ASC. Two videos will be presented. Pieter de la Courtgebouw / Faculty of Social Sciences, Wassenaarseweg 52, 2333, Room 3A06. Tyler Dolan is a South African photographer specializing in hyper realism and editorial styled photographs often resulting in colourful and energetic imagery. His ‘Walking The Streets’ project is about documenting the various traditions and cultures that reside on the streets of Durban, South Africa. In 2012 he exhibited his photographs at the Afrovibes Festival. In 2013 he worked together with Amsterdam based artist Kitchell Samuel and made a series 'Walking the Streets of Amsterdam'. Please register: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
Pieter de la Court building, Wassenaarseweg 52