Stop Filming Us

The ASCL proudly presents the kick-off of the iAfrica Film Festival (9-11 October, Filmhuis Den Haag). On 1 October, the film ‘Stop Filming Us’ will be screened in Leiden, followed by a discussion with the director and other guests. Based on the struggle of young people in Goma (Northeastern Congo) against the prevailing western reporting about war and misery, ‘Stop Filming Us’ investigates how these Western stereotypes are the result of a skewed balance of power. ‘Stop Filming Us’ creates a cinematic dialogue between western perceptions and the Congolese experience of reality. While the Congolese perspective becomes increasingly clearer in the film, questions arise about the perspective of the film itself; is a white director able to make a film about the new Congolese image, or is it primarily a story created by his own western perspective? Documentary/Spoken: French, Swahili, English, Lingala/Subtitle: English/ 95 min./ Cineast: Joris Postema/ DRC, Nederland/ 2020. In line with COVID-19 measures, the venue has a maximum capacity of 56 people. So register as soon as possible!
Pieter de la Court building, Wassenaarseweg 52