Dinsdag 13 December 2011

Nederland, Wageningen - Aula Wageningen Universiteit - Lezing en debat
Promotie: Dryland resources, livelihoods and institutions (Ethiopie)
Dinsdag 13 December 2011 12:00
Promotie: Dryland resources, livelihoods and institutions (Ethiopie)
Dinsdag 13 December 2011 12:00
Volledige titel proefschrift van T.W.A. (Teshale) Habebo: Dryland resources, livelihoods and institutions. Diversity and dynamics in use and management of gum and resin trees in Ethiopia. Promotor: prof. dr. F.J.J.M. Bongers , prof. dr. B.J.M. Arts; co-Promotor: dr. ir. K.F. Wiersum.