Maandag 05 December 2011

Nederland, Wageningen - Aula Wageningen Universiteit - Lezing en debat
Promotie N. Sakané: Analysing and exploring land use decisions ... in rural areas of East Africa
Maandag 05 December 2011 16:00
Promotie N. Sakané: Analysing and exploring land use decisions ... in rural areas of East Africa
Maandag 05 December 2011 16:00
Volledige titel proefschrift: Analysing and exploring land use decisions by smallholder agrowetland households in rural areas of East Africa. Promotor: prof.dr. K. Giller (Plantaardige productiesystemen); Co-Promotor: dr. M.T. van Wijk, dr. M. Langensiepen.