Maandag 19 December 2011

Nederland, Wageningen - Aula Wageningen Universiteit - Lezing en debat
Promotie: Using labour saving technologies in agricultural production to improve women's wellbeing
Maandag 19 December 2011 13:30
Promotie: Using labour saving technologies in agricultural production to improve women's wellbeing
Maandag 19 December 2011 13:30
Title thesis of F.B. (Florence) Lubwama Kiyimba: Tools for Women's Empowerment? The case of the forage chopper for smallholder dairy farmers in Uganda. In this research she argues that if empowerment of women with labour saving tools is to be realized, the design process needs to focus on an integrated approach, grounded not only in engineering but also in sociology of gender, and insights from Science and Technology Studies. Promotor: prof.dr. P. Richards (Technologie en agrarische ontwikkeling); co-Promotor: dr. ir. H. Maat, dr. ir. M. Zwarteveen.