Donderdag 22 December 2011

Promotie: On Women's Bargaining Power ... (Ethiopie)
Donderdag 22 December 2011 10:00
Full title: Essays on Women's Bargaining Power and Intra-Household Resource Allocation in Rural Ethiopie, by Bilisuma Bushie Dito. This thesis investigates the effect of a woman’s bargaining power on her welfare and that of her children in rural Ethiopia. The issue is of particular concern because, as empirical evidence shows, intra-household inequalities in well-being are frequently the direct consequence of inequalities in power positions within the household. Promotors: Professor dr Michael Grimm, Professor dr Irene van Staveren.

Promotie Henry Aniagoa Kifordu; over de politieke regeringselite in Nigeria
Donderdag 22 December 2011 16:00
Volledige titel: Nigeria's political executive elite: Paradoxes and continuities, 1960-2007. Dit onderzoek gaat over de roulatie, samenstelling en aard van de politieke regeringselite in postkoloniaal Nigeria tijdens opeenvolgende politieke regimes, waarbij de bronnen en de hoogte van de overheidsinkomsten wisselden. Promotores: Professor dr Wil Hout en Professor dr Mohamed Salih.