Woensdag 07 December 2011

Nederland, Amsterdam - Transnational Institute - Lezing en debat
Land grabbing in Uganda: Forced evictions for sustainable European Coffee – Who cares?
Woensdag 07 December 2011 18:00
Land grabbing in Uganda: Forced evictions for sustainable European Coffee – Who cares?
Woensdag 07 December 2011 18:00
FoodFirst Information and Action Network seminar. In August 2001, the government of Uganda brutally evicted 392 peasant families from their land in Mubende District. The land was then given to a German coffee company. After years of struggle to get justice, the families still live in unacceptably precarious conditions. Neither the Ugandan Government nor the Neumann Kaffee Gruppe have taken responsibility for the violations of customary land rights. Guest speaker: Peter Kayiira. Please register.