Woensdag 21 December 2011

Nederland, Wageningen - Aula Wageningen Universiteit - Lezing en debat
Promotie: Strengthening rice seed systems and agro-biodiversity conservation in West Africa
Woensdag 21 December 2011 13:30
Promotie: Strengthening rice seed systems and agro-biodiversity conservation in West Africa
Woensdag 21 December 2011 13:30
The major finding of the thesis (title: A socio-technical focus on farmers' practices of rice seed development and diversity conservation in Susu cross border lands of Guinea and Sierra) by K.F. (Florent) Okry is that the informal seed system is closer to farmers, and works well, because it reflects (and is integrated with) local ideas about food security and social solidarity. This social dimension is missing in the formal system. Promotor: prof. dr. P. Richards, prof. dr. ir. P.C. Struik; co-Promotor: dr. ir. H.A.C.P. Nuijten, P. van Mele.