A Nomad’s Harvest - a retrospective of photographs by George Hallett
Van Woensdag 05 Maart 2014
t/m Woensdag 09 Juli 2014
t/m Woensdag 09 Juli 2014

Aspects of a career spanning more than half a century. The works on show are from the collection of George Hallett and augmented by a comprehensive display of biographical information, as well as, book and record covers designed by Hallett. Included on this exhibition, amongst others, are recognisable images of Hout Bay, District Six, the Bo-Kaap, as well as immigrants and gypsies in London. His series of portraits of exiled South African writers, artists and musicians in London and France are of special interest.
Locatie Iziko South African National Gallery
Government Avenue Company's Gardens
Cape Town
Government Avenue Company's Gardens
Cape Town