Commemorative meeting Nelson Mandela

The African Studies Centre (ASC) and ZAM Magazine have the honour to invite you to join us in commemorating Nelson Mandela on Wednesday 11 December, 18:00-20:00. Several speakers will focus on the significance of Nelson Mandela and the roles he has played in various phases of a long liberation struggle. How does South Africa’s future look without Nelson Mandela? Ineke van Kessel (ASC), author of a biography about Nelson Mandela, Harry Wels (ASC and associate Professor at VU University) and a roundtable discussion will follow, moderated by Bart Luirink, former correspondent and current editor-in-chief of ZAM Magazine. You are most welcome to join us. For catering reasons, we kindly ask you to register: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
Wassenaarseweg 52